I have had a lot of people telling me that the start is figuring out what I like to do, for what I think I was (as inevitable as it might have been) born to do.I have been told to find a purpose,actually I have been told to find a purpose and a tool that are the same.
What do you want to become?
I want to become a writer
Why do you want to become a writer?
So I can Write
The sense of purpose that is now driving us, I think is taking us far,yes,but I for one, fail to see the logic behind glorifying the auto metre reading more than talking about where it took us.
I am being celebrated.
Should you be?
Of course I should be,I have made a difference.
A lot of people, and myself.
You think the people will now have changed?And have you?
I think the answer to that question would have to be the definite answer to your sense of purpose.Nothing will last forever, not even the change you have created. The question, I think is , what lasts more.The beautiful part about the 'Remembrance of a change' is that it destroys the very Change it once was.Evolution may then,be definetly be termed as a cosmic rule.So is then this sense of purpose so futile as I presently think it to be?Please tell me.
One might argue then, that Happiness is the answer, but a friend of mine may tell you that Happiness is just an other addiction.Then , Addiction would have to be the most powerful word. Hope,Love,Purpose,Faith,Life.Everthing seems to be one. Something We might have been just fine without,if never introduced to us.It is a scary thought.
I smoke
I never have
I am feeling just fine
I am feeling just fine too.
If yes, I guess then, Illusions really do form more of a reality,then reality itself. All structure , method and Purpose seems Sublime.
So do these words...
*What is truly liberating, is having a wiser friend.Even if he tells you liberty is just an illusion.*
Anant Kumaran:sometimes even da player falls while kickin it..............:P